Automobiles and Their Role in Our Daily Life


Automobiles play a major role in our daily life, without them we can not afford many of the luxuries that we enjoy today. Whether it is for commute to work or a trip to visit friends, Automobiles are an essential means of transportation. There are various types of automobiles available in the market depending upon their use like Passenger vehicle – Car, Bus, Taxi etc, Commercial vehicles – Trucks, Tempos, Containers and special purpose vehicles – Ambulance, Fire Brigade, Police Vehicles etc. There are also different types of engines used in automobiles like Petrol (CNG), Electric and Steam engines.

The exact date of the invention of the modern automobile is subject to debate, but a number of people played a role in its development. In the early 1800s, French inventor Nicolas-Joseph Cugnot built the first self-propelled road vehicle, and German inventor Karl Benz developed the first practical gasoline-powered automobile in 1885 or 1886.

These inventions allowed automobiles to replace horse-drawn carriages and become a popular mode of transport. By the 1920s, automobiles were a dominant force in society and provided one out of every six jobs in the United States. They were the lifeblood of a new consumer goods-oriented economy and the main user of many ancillary industries, such as steel and petroleum.

Automakers have continued to innovate, developing a variety of technologies for safety and performance. These advances include improved body structures and materials, advanced engine systems, computer-based control technology, and automated driving systems. The automotive industry has also pioneered manufacturing methods, including the assembly line and just-in-time production, which have reduced the price of cars to a point where they are affordable for most middle class families.

Automobile accidents are common, and have been since the advent of the automobile. The earliest documented accident occurred when Joseph Cugnot crashed his steam-powered “Fardier” into a wall in 1771. Later examples included Mary Ward, the first documented automobile fatality in the United States on August 31, 1869 in Parsonstown, Ireland and Henry Bliss, the second U.S. automobile fatality on September 13, 1899 in New York City.

The invention of the automobile brought about a number of social changes, including greater freedom for people to travel and to move to places where there are more opportunities. Owning a car allows people to choose their own job location, rather than being restricted by where there are public transit routes. It also frees them from having to depend on others for ride-shares or public transit buses, which may be late or get stuck in traffic. Cars also allow people to travel to visit family members and friends who live far away. Without a car, these trips would be much more difficult and time-consuming.