News is a broadcast that provides information about new or recent events. Typically, news is narrated by a newsreader or correspondent, and it can come from anywhere. It can be about people, places, or issues. Here are some things to consider when reading or watching the news. These categories include Timeliness, Soft news, and Human Interest stories.
Inverted pyramid style of news
The inverted pyramid style of news writing is as old as the news itself, but it still works extremely well, especially online. For example, a print reporter might start off a story by stating that a man was shot while leaving his house. The reader may not bother reading the rest of the article. However, an online journalist is under more pressure to deliver the information that readers need in a short amount of time.
Human interest stories
Human interest stories are stories that are interesting to viewers. They are often thought-provoking and often provoke debate. They can also tug at the heartstrings of those watching the news.
Soft news
In addition to traditional print media, soft news also includes commentary and entertainment organizations. These organizations can range from print articles to television programs to magazines.
The timeliness of news is an important characteristic of news sources. Before the invention of telegraphs, news sources had to wait for news items to be sent to the newsroom. With the invention of telegraph, the newsroom was able to control when it wanted important messages to be published. Abraham Lincoln used this ability to dictate when news would be broadcast via telegraph. In addition, Theodore Roosevelt exploited the daily news cycle by ensuring that telegraph reporters were able to flash legislative deliberations to the nation.
The impact of news on mental health is widespread. Recent findings have suggested an association between increased news consumption and lower mental health in both international and young populations. However, research into the specific impact of news consumption on daily distress and mental health has been limited.
Judgment guidelines
News judgment requires sound moral insight, ethical reasoning, and sound intuition. Using these skills to source newsworthy material is crucial and is best practiced in informal settings outside of business hours. It is important for newsroom staff to monitor personal relationships with news sources, because the latter often crave goodwill from reporters and editors.
Imagery in news is used daily in a wide range of news stories. It can enhance or detract from a news story, and it is important to use it well. It should be used in a way that conveys the main narrative and the big picture.