How to Write News

News is current information about events, people or places. It is often based on fact, but it can also be a mixture of opinion and speculation. It is often aimed at a specific demographic. For example, a newspaper article about a new school will be targeted at parents with children. An article about zoning laws in a commercial area will be targeted at business owners.

The main objective of a news story is to keep people informed about what is happening in the world around them. The way a news story is told will determine how much of an impact it has. It is important to find a news source that is unbiased. While this is not always possible, using a news aggregator site can help to avoid biased reporting. These sites pull articles from many different sources and display them side by side, so that readers can see the different points of view on a story.

When writing a news story, it is important to begin with an interesting hook that will capture reader attention. This is often called a lede and it can be a dramatic anecdote, a surprising fact or an important breaking news update. The next part of the story should introduce the subject matter and provide background information. This helps readers understand why the topic is important. It is often useful to include a timeline of relevant events in order to put the news into perspective.

After providing context, the news story should present the facts about the event or issue. This should be followed by an opinion section that explains what the author thinks about the event or subject. Many newspapers have separate opinions sections that can be read in addition to the main news stories. Having a range of viewpoints on a topic can make it more interesting for readers.

If the topic is controversial, a news story should explore both sides of the argument. This can help to enlighten readers about how other people feel about the topic and may even encourage them to change their own opinion. This can be a useful tool for politicians and businesses who want to know how their audience feels about a particular topic.

While some things are always newsworthy, others are only newsworthy when they happen rarely or at a significant time. For example, a man who gets up, has breakfast and goes to work on the bus does not usually make headlines, but if he is 90 years old and still catching the bus daily, this is significant news. Celebrities, their lifestyles and their personal relationships are also often newsworthy. It is especially interesting when they fall from grace or become embroiled in scandal. Money matters are also often newsworthy, including fortunes made and lost, tax issues, wage rises, food prices, economic crises and compensation claims. Health issues are also often newsworthy, from traditional remedies to medical research and disease outbreaks. The opinions of experts in these areas are also often sought after.