Types of News


There are three types of news. These are crime and money stories, human interest stories, and the news of everyday events. The former type of news has more impact and interest for readers. The latter type of news focuses on human aspirations. The news can also be classified according to their source. These three types are important for the reader’s interest.

Inverted pyramid style of news

The inverted pyramid style of news writing has become a standard form in news writing. While readers do not typically examine the structure of a news story, they do expect it to have this structure. The article begins with the most essential information first, followed by more detail. The article includes a hyperlink to the group that fought for a 10-cent charge, as well as quotes from both sides.

The inverted pyramid style of news writing is one of many ways to tell a story. It works because people pay more attention to content when they first see it. As the article progresses, their interest begins to wane. Because of this, journalists structure their content accordingly. The beginning of each paragraph contains a topic sentence that explains what the rest of the paragraph is about. The inverted pyramid style of news writing is popular among digital content, but the sixth edition of the New York Times and the content guide did not mention it.

Crime and money make news

People tend to be interested in stories of crime and money because they involve unusual and unique circumstances. Normally, crimes involving a large sum of money or involving well-known criminals make more news than a car theft, or an ordinary offence like parking in the wrong spot. However, not all crimes are serious enough to make news. Some people are more interested in cases where a public figure was the victim of fraud, or an unusual crime such as a rape.

Crimes and money make news because they involve people, as victims and criminals. The alleged perpetrators of these crimes face punishment, and journalists need to counteract this. Most people hear about a crime from casual conversations, rumours, or sirens. In addition, reporters need to be accurate when reporting a crime, which means that they must focus on the victim. The public will feel more empathy for the victims of these crimes if they can relate to them personally.

Human interest stories deal with usual events

Human interest stories are a type of non-fiction journalism that deals with events that are unusual in nature. These types of stories are often very controversial and touch on universal notions and values. They can be highly impactful and may even spark social trends. While these types of stories can take many different forms, the most common is the “story behind the story,” which focuses on background characters at pivotal moments in history. A human interest story about 9/11 would be a great example of a story telling about the background people involved. A second type of human interest story is an “expose,” which focuses on a story that is interesting but not historically important.

A human interest story should contain a comprehensible lead, a compelling story and vivid description. It can follow the journey of a refugee family or a record-breaking mountain climber. In such a case, the writer can provide details of the climber’s upbringing, training, and future goals. Another example of a compelling human interest story might be an expose on a local politician.

Reporting on human aspirations makes news

Reporting on human aspirations is not a new format for news stories. Human-interest stories are often the most popular news stories, and are increasingly available in digital media, including social media networks and websites. Some of the most popular formats for human-interest stories are video and photo blogs. For example, the photo blog Humans of New York boasts more than 18 million Facebook fans and 10 million Instagram followers. It features photos of ordinary New Yorkers, along with accompanying stories. Its founder Brandon Stanton explains that the purpose of the photo blog is to “tell the story of the person in front of me.”